It's funny, since my artwork often seems to be slow-going (due to life/work/interruptions/favorite tv shows/and the types of processes I choose), sometimes it feels like I don't ever get anything done.
But putting things together for the blog makes me see that I do get things done! it's just really small parts of larger wholes, that over time finally will add up to being something finished...
...so it's like a plant. it takes all year, and then all of a sudden, it's got flowers to share with you to celebrate life! This is my begonia that is from a crooked fallen-over one at a greenhouse I worked at about 25 years ago. (yikes. should not have done the math!) I love this plant. and it's made many babies that live with good old friends that I hope enjoy them as much as I do.
They are just awaiting some hand-stitching. which is a little tricky since the layers are thicker than just fabric (it's all on top of gesso-ed canvas)...so I'll have to wear my leather thimbles or else my fingers will get hurt. Which makes me less nimble, which is funny because it rhymes with thimble.
In any case, I'm excited by these. While they're different than my all-fiber pieces, they stand well with them in spirit. They remind me of monoprints, which I like since I used to do a lot of printmaking before discovering my love of textiles. They are hopefully going to join their big sibling piece ('Mountain Fog' that I finished in the winter-time) at a local gallery when they're done.
It will have a lot of color layers once it's done, and it might also have some silk organza layered too...depending on the effects I'd like to pull out of it.