Having had two residencies within six months of each other made me step up the efforts to find a studio so that I could have a little more elbow room, and a little less distraction than a home studio.
And voila! my search is over, I found a studio!
It's been an extremely busy couple of months - deciding what to take over there, deciding what to keep here -- because while it's a generous sized room, it's still not large enough to hall ALL of my "Accumulatta"....I know that's not a word. But it describes in a way the accumulation of creative stuff.
First I moved a table and some artwork in progress, to just get into the space and decide how to "be" in it. And it's gone like that - move something over, and then do some work settling into the space. Moving things around, doing some work...
Now it's fairly crowded!!! But the light is good, the floors and walls are not precious so it's okay if I spill stuff, and the best part is the double work sink!
The space is at The Center for Arts and Learning (CAL) here in Montpelier, and my studio is in the basement. The story of the Center: A few years ago, some business entities in our area joined together to form a creative center in a building that once served as a dormitory for the Catholic nuns of the Church of St. Anthony. As CAL, it is home to member organizations such as The Monteverdi Music School, The Summit School, The T.W. Wood Gallery, and several businesses and artists/writers/musicians studios. I'm really excited to be there!There are With the music schools and lessons going on, I can hear piano lessons, opera singers, and sometimes bluegrass! I see the cellos come and go, but I think they practice up on the third floor, so I don't get to hear them....
I promise I will post more photos of my studio soon. Till then, I'm excited to share news that you can read my Artist Interview on TextileArtist.org - with great thanks to Daniel Crowder!