This is where that five-panel piece was recently.
The first couple of dye baths have been completed on it, and I've been contemplating it on what the next steps should be....

This photo shows a little detail from one of the sections.
There is a lot of hand stitching on this piece, done in a fine weight silk thread.
It catches the light well, and adds another layer to the depth of texture in the piece.
However, I want more depth to the colors, so I have to keep going.....

Here is where it is for the next step. Each separate panel is stitched, readying them for the next dye bath.
Similar to a traditional painting really, the first dye layers are basically going to end up being like an underpainting.
Those underneath colors will effect the next colors on top...perhaps peeking through in places....or maybe just being obscured, but adding itself to the whole (hopefully!)
This stage is a challenge because I fight with some worries that the resulting effect might not be what I was hoping for.
But like with all art, or with life I guess, you just have to go into it with an open mind and your hopes/positive thoughts first. Then adjust accordingly if it isn't what you were hoping for....At least with fiber art, I feel like it's pretty forgiving.