Thought I would share this early mixed media - textile piece today, It's a small 6"x6" painting and mono-print onto canvas, using acrylic paints. Then there is a piece of silk organza adhered over the painting, with hand stitching in cotton floss over that....
I made this piece the first winter we moved to Vermont, and gave it to my Mom for her birthday in February of 2009. I was trying to share my new mountain landscape with her...
Today would have been her 73rd birthday, so I've been thinking a lot about her, and just wanted to share this. It's helpful for me to see it as I contemplate the pieces I'd started last year before life took a few turns. They are my foray deeper into the world of mixed media/textiles, so I'm hoping to get back to work on them soon. My creative spark hasn't been burning very brightly the past few months, which is understandable...As some of you know, last fall I tried out a big change by trying a move, and then quickly learning it wasn't right, so now after a two-month upheaval I made it back home here to VT in time to celebrate New Year's Eve (yay!). So lately I've just been getting re-settled in and de-stressed. I'd packed up my lovely studio at SPA, leaving it in the good hands of a most creative knit artist friend who was so helpful to jump in and help take over the lease. It's been fun getting my art accumulatta sorted back out here at home, having reorganized the spaces here. So, besides getting all that material life stuff in order, have just been sorting my feelings of loss, and navigating all the recent choices that will hopefully lead to a more balanced life - crossing fingers. Also been practicing the art of going easier on myself .... A loose new years resolution of being kinder overall in my thinking/doing processes.
It's a beautiful winter day here in Vermont....sunny and cold with fresh flurries that have landed on top of the other flurries from recent days. I've been getting some cross country skiing in here and there, some walks up the hill to the woods here, and lots of well needed and long overdue resting (with crocheting).
Today I'll celebrate Mom in small ways like this....just being thankful to be here, being grateful for my loved ones and their infinite patience and love for me....and to looking forward to whatever new things this year will bring.
Plus, also hoping these stitched snowflakes can conjure more actual snow to fall, so that winter truly feels like winter as it's supposed to be!