Snow. Late December. End of the year. Fold over the to-do list, start another.
It's almost the New Year. - Where did 2015 go?
As the year winds down to a close, we as human beans tend to look back and see where we were, where we are and we would like to go....It's a time to look at goals met, or those we've fallen short of, and a time to perhaps reconnect with one's dreams and aspirations in hopes of doing better in the next go round. :)
More importantly, hopefully it's a time when we can be kind to ourselves if we feel like we've fallen short of our mark.
There is so much I'm thankful for - so many gifts this year. I was just working on an end of year Studio News email, and writing everything out made me realize how lucky I am. :) YAY for a great year!!!
Things I've fallen short on are:
Writing regularly on my Blog!
Learning how to better market my artwork / be more business-minded.
Still being behind the times about Social Media. (I am such a dinosaur!)
Managing a time better to make more art!
Finding a home with a better studio space that is in the environment I find most inspiring (ie: more rural!)
OR, on the flip side, finding an affordable studio (maybe in Burlington? ie: a city) where there's more goings on for art
Creating a healthy balance overall like eating right, exercise, time for relaxing and fun, and all that good stuff...
To that end, I put up my new sock monkey slippers and relaxed watching the snow...
and all this leads me to remember again that the whole 'Perception of Time' thing is a mind-set,
Which is great news!
Because that can be changed. Hurrah!
I just have to learn how to do that part :)
So here's to falling short, to trying to remain optimistic despite setbacks, and aspiring to change!
All in Good Time....
Happy New Year Everybody!