Here's what's on my bigger loom right now. It's a bit of a departure for me since I usually weave with plain off-white or natural color linen as my warp, and a natural color weft too. Usually I dye my colors in later.
This time, I had some lovely dark green silk leftover from a commission, so I decided to use that for my warp. It pilled up during the winding on, and I finally lost patience with teasing the snags out, so I ended up cutting off more than I'd wanted to, but I think there's maybe 4 yards or so wound on here...not sure exactly how much.
My weft is of unknown material -- Mystery Weft! it will be interesting to see what will happen later during dye / color removal process. It will be a surprise, but if it ends up not dyeing, it's an inviting, warm color that I think could still work out somehow.

I am looking forward to a little more time at the loom. Mostly this year my time has been at work (graphic design), or making things for my Inside Out Studio...and of course, most recently spending time setting up this great new website!
All things are time well spent...but concentrated art time is different somehow.
My hope is to update this blog weekly (hopefullly!), but if I don't that will be okay too.
If I haven't made much progress on this weaving, I'll share something from other projects that are in progress, or from my experiments or my archives....Will try not to post too many photos of Wallace the cat. :)